Inauguration - BEM
Here it is! We are glad to have inaugurated our project "BEM - Bâtiment d'Enseignement Mutualisé" located in Saclay. Designed in collaboration with Sou Fujimoto, Nicolas Laisné Architectes and DREAM, this building of approximately 10 000 sqm now hosts the teaching and educational spaces of 7 higher education and research establishments: École Polytechnique, IMT, AgroParisTech, ENSTA, ENSAE Paris, IOGS, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis.
Thanks again to Ecole Polytechnique, EPAURIF, all of our co-contractors (MOZ Paysage, Franck Boutté, Studio Briand & Berthereau, Egis, Les Eclaireurs), the companies and the people at OXO who worked on this beautiful project!
Photos of the inauguration: ©Jeremy Brabande
Photos of the building: ©Sergio Grazia